About the EPRAP Program

The King County Eviction Prevention and Rent Assistance Program (EPRAP) will stop accepting new tenant applications as of February 28, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Existing applicants can continue to log into the tenant portal.


Household Eligibility

An “eligible household” is defined as a renter household that meets the following criteria:

Median family income 50% Income limits* ($) by number of persons in family
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2020 $113,300 $41,800 $47,800 $53,750 $59,700 $64,500 $69,300 $74,050 $78,850
2021 $115,700 $40,500 $46,300 $52,100 $57,850 $62,500 $67,150 $71,750 $76,400

* Seattle - Bellevue, WA HUD Metro FMR Area Median Income Limits

Rental assistance provided to an eligible household cannot duplicate any other federally funded rental assistance provided to the household.

*US Citizenship is not a requirement under EPRAP assistance. King County will not ask for information about immigration status.

How it Works

Landlord Program

In April/May 2021, 314 large landlords representing 1,300 properties agreed early to be part of EPRAP and signed an agreement to not evict an EPRAP enrolled tenant for non-payment of rent through December 2021. Contracted agencies are assigned properties from the landlord pool and then they work directly with tenants to help them gather required documentation.

Tenant Pool Program
The Tenant Pool program is a way for tenants to directly register to receive rental assistance through King County. Eligible tenants pre-register on the EPRAP Tenant Portal. Each week, King County randomly selects registered tenants from the tenant pool to participate in the program. The number selected varies based on service provider's capacity.

Contracted agencies are assigned households from the Tenant Pool and work with landlords to help them understand the EPRAP landlord terms and conditions, and gather required documentation.

Hub & Spoke Program

In the Hub an Spoke program, King County contracts with "Hub" CBOs that then sub-contract with "Spoke" CBOs to provide rental assistance services to the community.

The hub agencies can provide direct service while also distributing or allowing spokes to draw in tenants representative of their communities. This program allows eligible tenants to sign up directly through the community organizations they're already connected to.

Contracted agencies work with both the tenant and the landlord to help them gather required documentation.

Outreach and Application Assistance Program

The Outreach and Application Assistance Program is designed to support the Landlord and Tenant Programs. Participants in this program are deployed to help gather required paperwork in the community by providing in-person outreach.

Contracted agencies provide extensive outreach to community members that support tenants and landlords identified by King County who need help applying for rent due to language, disability, or technical needs.