ACT Aspire Reports

In the ACT Aspire development process, we worked with educators, students, and parents, to better understand their reporting requirements. Careful effort ensures that the final product will connect teaching and learning in ways that are valuable to all levels of stakeholders. To that end, ACT Aspire reporting philosophy follows these guiding principles, based on User-Centered Design.

Reports display information in a clean, direct manner — with both numerical and graphical representations supported by descriptive text. Thus, the full range of faculty – from novice through expert — can immediately gain actionable insights.




English | Reading | Writing | Science

Subject, Scores and Reporting Categories Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade EHS
English Score
Production of Writing
Knowledge of Language
Convention of Standard English
Reading Score
Key Ideas and Details
Craft and Structure
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Reading: Progress with Test Complexity
Writing Score
Ideas and Analysis
Development and Support
Language Use and Conventions
Combined ELA Score
Science Score
Interpretation of Data
Scientific Investigation
Evaluation of Models, Inferences, & Experimental Results


Subject, Scores and Reporting Categories Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade EHS
Mathematics Score
Grade Level Progress
Integrating Essential Skills
Justification and Explanation
Number and operations: Fractions
Number and Operations in Base 10
The Number System
Number and Quantity
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Expressions and Equations
Ratios and Proportional Relaationships
Measurement and Data
Statistics and Probability
Combined STEM Score
ACT Readiness Benchmarks
Composite Score
Predicted Score Range: The ACT
Progress Toward Career Readiness

ACT Aspire results are reported on a new 3-digit score scale. We also report an “ACT Readiness Benchmark” for English, reading, math and science at each grade to provide additional perspectives on student readiness. Users can use the new ACT Readiness Benchmarks from grades 3–10 to determine if students are on track for readiness at the appropriate grade/subject levels. A Composite score is provided for all students who receive scores in English, math, reading, and science beginning at grades 8–10.

In addition to subject scores, there are reporting categories based on the ACT College Readiness Standards and aligned to the other sets of college and career readiness standards being used by states (of which the Common Core State Standards are one). Along with valuable new measures of readiness (STEM scores, text complexity, etc.), there is deep, valuable data that enables educators to better inform instruction and parents to better understand their student’s progress.

To provide instructionally insightful and actionable results, student performance is also described in terms of the ACT Aspire reporting categories (as pictured in the tabs above). These categories largely incorporate the same language as the other sets of college and career readiness standard domains and conceptual categories. Score reports describe the percent and number of points students earn out of the total number of points possible in each reporting category. Student performance in each category will also be compared to how students who meet the ACT College Readiness Benchmarks score (described as the ACT Readiness Range) to infer whether students are on the trajectory toward college and career readiness. Reporting student performance in this way provides meaningful insights into students’ areas of strength as well as areas that may need additional attention.

Student score reports are available to download or print, and can be distributed to students and parents. Schools and Districts have access to pre-packaged standard reports, including Student Score Reports and aggregate reporting for schools, districts and states. Aggregate data files of student results are available in secure electronic format for download to our clients’ Student Information Systems.