Electrical Engineer

All Civil Works related to the support structure in roof & floor need to be completed and proper clear access for bringing in the bus duct should be available.

4. REFERENCE DRAWINGS The drawings to be referred are: a) General Arrangement Drawing of the Respective Location b) Floor Opening Drawings of the Respective Location c) Manufacturer’s O&M Manual d) Manufacturer’s drawings pertaining to handling of Equipment e) Manufacturer’s drawings for the Switchgear Assembl 5. SAFETY a) All personnel shall wear hardhat at all times when at site. b) All personnel and operatives shall wear safety footwear at all times. c) Work areas and access way are to be free from debris, materials and all tripping hazard.

d) All hand tools and portable power tools shall be of good order And shall be used for the purpose intended.

e) All work on Energized Systems shall be done with a Permit to Work System. Proper Earthing / cordoning off to be done prior to Commencement of work, if working in energ ized environment.

1. EQUIPMENTS / TOOLS TO BE USED a) Air blower b) Torque wrench d) Earth tester e) Multimeter 2. PROCEDURE 3. CHECKING & TESTING