Assisted Purchase Pathway

The Assisted Purchase Pathway is the pathway for first-time buyer Islanders interested in buying a home but need some financial help to do so.

By being on the Assisted Purchase Pathway, you may be able to apply to join assisted purchase home ownership scheme’s.

Who can apply for the Assisted Purchase Pathway?

If you’re interested in buying a home but need some financial help to do so, you may be able to apply to join. You will be eligible to join if you:

  1. Are over 18 years old.
  2. Are residentially qualified to live in Jersey (they must have ‘Entitled’ residential status).
  3. Have been resident in Jersey for more than six months prior to the date of application.
  4. Have not previously (or currently) owned another property in Jersey or elsewhere in the world (are a first-time buyer ).
  5. Cannot afford to purchase a property suitable for their needs in the open market.
  6. Can meet the long-term financial commitment of purchasing a property.
  7. Are going to live in the property as their principal place of residence.
  8. Have household incomes below the limits set out in the following table:
Property size Maximum gross household annual income
1 bedroom flat £65,000
2 bedroom flat £85,000
2 bedroom house £105,000
3 bedroom house £125,000
4 bedroom house £135,000

Further information on the eligibility criteria for purchasing a property through an assisted ownership scheme can be found in the following policy document .

Which assisted purchase home ownership schemes are currently available?

Schemes that are currently available include:

Apply to join the Assisted Purchase Pathway

Anyone interested in joining the Assisted Purchase Pathway can do so using the following link

Once the application has been submitted you should hear from us within 10 working days and once approved you may receive marketing for any assisted purchase home ownership schemes.

If you have already registered for the Assisted Purchase Pathway and would like to update your details, you can do so using the following link: